Support to training, research and hospitals

Research, specialized training for doctors and give support to hospitals are key tools for improving the fight against child cancer

We are well aware there has been much medical and scientific progress in the last few years concerning Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. The quality of life of children and youngsters undergoing treatment has improved substantially and there has been a significant increase in healing and survival rates.

Our Foundation believes in a comprehensive help, supporting progress and providing financial aid for the training and investigation. Also, we cooperate with hospitals to make the time sick children and youngsters must spend in hospital more comfortable for them, and their families.

Humanizing hospitals

We work with the hospitals to provide entertainment moments and comforting areas to children and youngsters during the hospital stays:

  • spaces fitting-out
  • financial contribution, medical equipment and electronic devices
  • books, toys, craft materials, decoration stuff, sweets and other donations
  • activities and traditions at the hospitals

Research support

Since 1997 we have subsidized the Spanish Registry of Infantile Tumors (RETI-SEHOP) located at the University of Valencia. This registry is in touch and exchanges information with international registries. It includes all infantile tumors diagnosed in Spain every year.

The Spanish Working Party for Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children (Grupo Español de Transplante de Médula Ósea en Niños, GETMON) has received economic contributions from our foundation. Also, we have awarded three research grants in the fields of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology.

Training grants

The Foundation awards training grants to medical doctors willing to specialize in Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. The candidates are put forward by the heads of department from different hospitals.

Since its inception, the foundation has granted more than 40 specialized training scholarships in Pediatric Oncology and Hematology