Communication, awareness and fundraising

One of the activities of the Foundation is to explain the impact of the disease on the life of any child or youngster suffering from it, including their families. It is necessary to explain the effects of the disease and the difficulties the families will have to face. 

But it is equally necessary to raise awareness of the need to keep investing in research and training specialized doctors in the search of new ways to fight the disease more efficiently.

At present we are devoting our efforts to explain the need to give support to those children and youngsters in an advanced stage of the disease and defend their right to the best possible care, including pediatric palliative care, both in hospital and specifically at home.

We consider communication and awareness are indispensable in this line of work.

Presence in the media

The work carried out by our Foundation appears in different means of communication every year to reflect, from diverse points of view, the reality of children and youngsters with cancer or other long-term serious diseases.

¿Would you like to see the appearences in communication media? (this content is only available in spanish or catalan)


Collaboration and cooperation among organizations is a key element to reach our goals. We would like to acknowledge the task they develop and show them our gratitude.

We are members of:

Fundraising events

We organize several fund-raising activities along the year. Collaborators and friends alike always participate to help us fund our projects.

Some of the regular activities we organize are:

We receive new proposals every year and together with other institutions and companies we have organized charity concerts, theater plays and solidarity events of all kinds.

Many people use the organization of different events to make them into charity occasions. For example, birthday parties in which presents are donations to the foundation, graduations, solidarity raffles, donations of toys at Christmastime and many other ideas in the same line.

We would like to say thanks, once again, to all the people who cooperate in these events. They honor us with their time and confidence, thus helping us to carry through our projects.

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