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Donations and members

What can we do with your donations?

We accompany children and young people with cancer and other serious illnesses, and help their families in the hospital and at home go through the most difficult moments.

With 10 €

We buy play and handicraft materials for hospitals and for the activities.

With 25 €

We organize an afternoon of activities for a group of children or youngsters undergoing treatment.

With 50 €

We can buy house linen, cleaning products or kitchen utensils for a temporary home. 

With 100 €

We can cover a month of energy supply for a temporary home. 

With 300 €

It is an monetary contribution in social help to cover the basic needs of a family in economic hardship for a month.

With 500 €

You help to give assistance in pediatric palliative care to children and youngsters

Make a donation
Become a member

You can deduct up to 80% of this amount. More information
The final cost would be 0

Personal information
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FUNDACIÓN DE ONCOLOGIA INTANTIL ENRIQUETA VILLAVECCHIA will process the personal data provided through this form in order to manage donations and send communications of interest, by checking the corresponding box. You can obtain more information about the processing of your personal data or how to exercise your rights through the Privacy Policy.

Personal details
Bank account details
What's IBAN?

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number, an international code for bank accounts that replaces traditional national codes. It is used in many countries worldwide. In the European Union the use of IBAN has been obligatory sin February 2014.

The IBAN code is usually indicated in bank documents or statements. If not, please get in touch with your bank.

Would you like to add something else?

Another methods to donate

Bank transfer

ES22 2100 1003 16 0200171700

ES34 0182 3247 21 0201557198

If your donation is more than €100, you must provide your personal information and ID to be able to identify you.


If you have Bizum, you may also donate through that method to the number:



You may help us with only 1€ per month through the microdonations website Teaming.

Join to the Villavecchia Foundation group "Closer than ever"