Victoria Pavilion

Help us create a pioneering centre to care for the lives of children with deseases that cannot be cured

October 2024, works begin!

Help us to achieve 500.000€ by 2025

Accomplished2.517.384€ (84%)
2025 Goal3.000.000€

The Enriqueta Villavecchia Foundation has promoted the Paediatric Palliative Care Network of Catalonia. 

Now, we want to create the first children's hospice, a pioneering centre to provide comprehensive support for children and young people with deseases that cannot be cured.

How will do this? By rehabilitating a unique building that will offer family respite services, activities, complementary therapies, end-of-life care, and bereavement support.



Tracy Leonard-Warner
Executive director of Ryan House hospice. Phoenix, Arizona

“A children's hospice is a precious place where families can be together with their children in those last moments, creating precious memories that will last them a lifetime.”

Dra. Carolina Pérez
Palliative care specialist at the Evelina London Children's Hospital

“Hospices bring light in the darkness, and they are a place where families can access various resources: music therapy, hydrotherapy and respite care.”

Jana Krákorová
Vlček Family Foundation, Czech Republic

“It is going to offer comprehensive services for families with seriously ill children. These families really need these services, it is very important to them.”

Direct beneficiaries 400 families per year

The center will be available to the entire "Xarxa d’atenció Pal·liativa Pediàtrica Integral” de Cataluña (Xappi)"

Expected opening 2026

The center will be managed by the Hospital de Santa Creu i Sant Pau, as a part of the public services portfolio.

Built area1.380 m²
Garden area1.300 m²


With the centre at full capacity.

  • 400 families served annually
  • 1.600 direct beneficiaries
  • 12.000 indirect beneficiaries
600 Respite stays
40 End of life stays
3.000 Sessions of complementary therapy 
250 Interventions in educational centres
30 Family leisure and respite activities
200 Care sessions, training and supervision, meetings with professionals
25.000 Accompaniments with volunteers, respite, entertainment, and activities sessions.

Children’s hospices are a common in other countries. There are more than 50 in UK alone, and over 130 in Europe.

Victoria Pavilion will be a center devoted to the care of life and respect for dignity. It's a resource for all children with illnesses that can not be cured, who are being treated in any of the hospitals integrated in the Comprehensive Paediatric Care Network of Catalonia.

It will provide continuous and comprenhensive support to families: during life, at the time of death, in bereavement and in remembrance. We are not building a hospital, but a home away from home, a complementary support center.

It is also a centre to support and care for professionals. Open to the community to foster a more compassionate and caring society.

Required investment

Investement 1.081.999€
100% accomplished

2.971.284 €
84% accomplished

36% accomplished


2.079.212,6 €
1st phase - Façade and roodf2nd phase - Interior
2024 1.700.000€
100% acomplished
2024 -
2025 - 2025 3.000.000€
70% accomplished
2026 - 2026 1.800.000€
Work in progress

Total investment: 6.559.231 €

Promoted by:

Supported by:

Bloc 1 - Amb el suport de:

Logo Ajuntament de Barcelona

With the support of:

natur System
Jané Mateu
GP Pharm
Ferrer & Ojeda

Amb el suport de:

cevasa LOGO

And many other people, companies, organisations and institutions that are helping us with their donations to make de Victoria Pavilion a reality.

Victoria Pavilion

Help us create a pioneering centre to care for the lives of children with incurable diseases

It will be a Victory for all!

Accomplished2.517.384€ (84%)
2025 Goal3.000.000€